your an ass, a skank, a real idiot, nor the ideal friend i thought you were.

Idag har jag nästan varit dum. Helst skulle jag säga att jag varit mer ärlig än jag någonsin varit i hela mitt liv. Jag har precis kallat en av mina engelska vänner för slampa, idiot, and lots and lots more och sagt rakt ut(facebook-message) hur jag tyckte situationen var. Jag är säker på att alla tycker så som jag bara att lilla patetiska folket i leighton buzzard inte vågar säga nått om de o hellre är tysta. JAG VET. Iofs så tog jag ibland i lite hårt men hon måste fatta och inget annat fjanteri kommer få henne att fatta. Det är meningen att hon ska må dåligt när hon läser det, och att hon verkligen ska tänka över sina val här i livet, ska de då vara snällt skrivet? ITS GONNA BE POWERFUL. Och det tror jag verkligen att det är.

Det värsta är att jag verkligen gillar den här tjejen.. 

I want to end this with saying that I can't hate you cause you've done me no indirect harm. But B's almoste like my sister and even if i only saw here as a friend, it still would have hurt me a bit even though Im miles and miles away from you. The day I come visit and see youre smile Ill probably melt as always. But you have to understand that all of this is my opinion, however I may act in real life. And you have to understand that lots and lots of people in your life, others than me probably thinks the same about you but they cant bother getting in to it situation and look bad infront of you. And I also hope that you won't see me in a completly different view because Im being honest with you.  Your just enjoying your ego, while loosing one of your best friends, and a little part of me too.. I feel pity for you, because I hope that you deep inside feel really bad about this. I know you've been feeling down since B and T got together, and you know how you felt. (I know more about you than think .. ) And try to express that feeling into words, and then imagine it five million times worse, and that is how B feels. She would just have fel half of it if you just left T alone.

Jag avslutade de ju lite milt iaf, im so proud. muhaha


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